Thursday, February 5, 2009

February Update!

Hey folks!

We really are trying to get better at remembering to blog, I promise. It's a little warmer than last time I blogged- recently, temperatures were in the almost spring-like 30's for a short time. Is everyone ready for spring yet? I know I am..

Here at the soy facility, we are getting even closer to our maple ginger baked tofu launch date. The oven to bake the tofu is here and fully installed, and Jamie is doing his first big test run today and tomorrow. I hope everyone is really excited about this baked tofu! I know I mentioned this already, but the samples that I've had so far are incredible. I brought some home to my house and we all stood around the counter and ate them cold, right out of the packaging. That's how good it is! Right now, we're looking at a launch date in early March- that's just a month away!

Todd is still out of the office and working on the soy yogurt. He has already run some test batches, and I hear that they came out really well- creamy and smooth. As for our soymilk, we're still making it every week, and we are currently in the process of deciding on bottle styles for our 8 oz. and quart sizes. Julie, the incredible graphic designer that we work with, has been working on new labels and so far, they are looking beautiful.

For those of you in the Vermont area, you should think about heading down to Randolph next weekend (the 14th and 15th) to the annual winter NOFA conference! NOFA is the Northeast Organic Farming Association, and they put on lots of great events, including the two day winter conference in Vermont. There are tons of good workshops this year, and our very own Andrew Meyer is giving the Saturday keynote. I will definitely be there, going to as many workshops as possible and catching up with my farmer friends. Another perk of the conference- the huge pot-luck lunches they have each day. And it's on Valentine's Day this year! Talking about compost and soil and Community Supported Agriculture and hanging out with cool farmer folks sounds like the perfect way to spend that day.

I hope everyone is healthy and happy! send an email if you ever have questions or cool ideas, or just to say hey! beth [at] vermontsoy [dot] com.


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